Grow your audience. The Art of Relevance.

Challenged with negative press and declining membership, The Foosaner Art Museum was interested in finding ways to become more relevant to its community and grow its audience.
The Hipsetter Group worked with internationally acclaimed meditation teacher Anthony Profeta, to create “Sound Collage, A Sound Bath for the Senses,” an immersive, meditative sound experience to be held in the museum. Profeta creates magical sounds with his Himalayan singing bowls that when mixed with the art on the museum walls creates a unique collage for the senses that is deeply relaxing, cleansing and healing. The Sound Collage is a ticketed event that is promoted as a new type of wellness program for the community offered during the run of each new exhibit at the museum. The Sound Collage includes aromatic scents and other musicians on flute, piano or harp depending on the theme of the exhibit.
Sound Collage sold out the first night it was offered at The Foosaner Art Museum. The museum reached capacity and had to turn people away. The event attracted many first time visitors to the museum and generated a 15% increase in paid annual museum memberships. By hosting Sound Collage, The Foosaner Art Museum provided its community with a new experience that mattered to people, suprised people and brought value to their lives.